Monday, October 6, 2008

Flu Shot Clinic Opens This Month

Flu season is quickly approaching. Allegheny County Health Department spokesperson Guillermo Cole says vaccinations are plentiful. Approximately 150 million doses will be available nationally this season.

The vaccination is highly recommended for people over 50, pregnant women, people with high-risk medical conditions, health care workers and all children from the ages of six months to 18 years. Cole says children are receiving a high priority this year because they are two to three times more likely to get the flu than adults are. (Last year children ages six months to four years old were given a high priority for the vaccination, along with older children with medical conditions.) Although it is not likely for children to have serious complications from the flu, they could pass on the flu to people who may develop such complications.

Cole says the county walk-in clinic will open Monday, October 20th at its office on 3441 Forbes Avenue in Oakland, and will be open throughout the winter. Clinic hours are from 9am to 3pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and from 9am to 7pm on Wednesdays. The shots will cost $25 per patient. Patient who have the Medicare Part B plan will not have to pay an out-of-pocket fee. Cole says the inhalation vaccine (a nasal spray) for people ages two to 49 with no serious medical conditions will be available for $10, but those vaccinations are limited.

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