Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stimulus Grants to Help With PA Water Projects

Pennsylvania has been awarded more federal stimulus money, targeted for use on water and wastewater projects.
The latest grant announced by the U-S Environmental Protection Agency brings to 220-million dollars the amount of stimulus-funded grants and loans for repairs and upgrades to the commonwealth's drinking water and wastewater systems.
Acting E-P-A Regional Administrator Bill Early says such projects can have far-reaching effects.

"It's important for us to keep being mindful of the fact that the water we are dealing with flows downstream and has downstream impacts. Particularly, one of the things that is impacted is the Chesapeake Bay.

State officials note the funding could help municipalities in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed as they make upgrades in order to comply with tougher nutrient pollution rules. Governor Rendell says nearly 140 projects across 63 Pennsylvania counties that will be under way by year's end will create more than 56-hundred construction-related jobs. The federal money is being distributed by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority, or PENNVEST.

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