We've passed a milestone. Although if you go back and check you can find a few dozen earlier posts stretching back to late 2006, this weekend marked the one-year anniversary of the official launch of IN VIVO Blog. On April 26, 2007 we posted twice--two takes on Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.'s blockbuster deal with Pfizer on apixaban and its hybrid biotech/pharma strategy--and decided to pull back the curtain on our fledgling blogging efforts.
The response has been encouraging. Thanks to everyone who reads us on the web, subscribes (it's free!), links over, comments (we wish there were more--you can do it anonymously!), and/or mocks our sports team allegiences. We really do appreciate you dropping by.
So even though there was plenty of news out of ARVO and EASL this weekend lets highlight some sweet bloggy goodness for your weekend roundup:
- When Patent Baristas isn't dreaming up ways to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day 2008 (that explains all the drunken patent attorneys on Saturday) it's laying down the serious analysis. Friday the blog dispelled some myths about the difficulties of biotech co/university tech transfer.
- Derek Lowe takes another look at GSK/Sirtris and the ally-vs-buy question, from the GSK employee point of view and through the historic prism of Glaxo's nuclear receptor R&D push that yielded, well, not much.
- After a year of blogging over at VentureBeat Life Sciences, David Hamilton has new digs--check out his new Pharma Industry page at Bnet. (h/t pharmagossip)
- If you're not reading Pharma Giles, you're missing out on some hilarious skewering of the pharma world. This morning the target is off-label promotion.
- And finally, stop by IN VIVO Blog later today (hey, that's us!) for our take on the latest setback for the Merck/Schering-Plough joint venture, FDA's Friday night smackdown of the Singulair/Claritin NDA.
milestone photo by flickr user robw1882 used under a creative commons license.
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